


本周,立法者进行了春季休会, 不举行委员会会议,只举行基本的会议. 这并不意味着所有的工作都停止了. 众议院继续提交法案, 即使速度比前一周慢, and House budget writers were holding some discussions on their two-year spending plan.

与此同时,立法大楼内外的讨论仍在继续 sb369销售税公平法案这将对2美元的分配产生巨大的变化.为地方政府增加了20亿的销售税收入. 这里有一个 of many editorials from around that state that have appeared on the subject in recent days.

一项新的民意调查显示,绝大多数北卡罗莱纳州的选民, 不管他们是共和党人还是民主党人, don't believe the General Assembly should be drawing district lines for local government elections. 公共政策民意调查公司对受访者进行了调查, "Do you think the General Assembly should set boundary lines for things like City Council and County Commissioner elections, 还是应该由地方决定?作为回应, 73%的人表示应该在地方一级设置这条界线, 相比之下,只有12%的人认为立法者应该吸引他们. 共和党人, 79%, were more opposed to the General Assembly drawing the lines than Democrats (67 percent) or independents (73 percent).

投票是在联合国大会批准后进行的 legislation reconfiguring the districts for the Wake County Board of Commissioners 它认为 一个提议 为格林斯伯勒市议会改变选区 另一个 改变三一市议会. 对北卡罗莱纳州751名选民的调查是在4月2日至5日进行的. 你可以找到完整的结果 在这里.

HB 616地方政府雇员退休. 可乐 was 提起 昨天 and would provide Local Government Employees Retirement System (LGERS) retirees with a 1% cost of living adjustment (可乐) effective July 1 of this year.

这项立法是在 地方政府雇员退休制度理事会 voted in January to provide a fiscally responsible 可乐 to retirees by relying solely on existing funds available through the system's recent investment gains. 具体来说,董事会 批准了365足彩下载和N.C. 县专员协会支持的可乐为0.625%.

虽然大会的财政说明尚未发表, the higher 可乐 called for in this legislation would increase each participating local governments' contribution rate for general employees. 这一比率之前设定为6.67%,但会上升到大约6%.77%的人支持这项法案. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

The League continued its Listening and Visioning Tour this week with events in Manteo, 阿霍斯基和维克森林大学. 在每一站,  NCLM 执行董事 Paul Meyer shared information about the strategic visioning process initiated by the Board of Directors to identify a preferred model for municipal government.  保罗还收到了成员们关于他们所关心的问题的反馈, 对未来愿景的思考, and ways League staff can provide better assistance and service to towns and cities.  The School of Government is also participating in this process and was a part of the events in Manteo and Ahoskie.

市政官员分享了他们的想法, many of them focused on municipal revenue and municipal authority and the threats they see to both. 其他主题包括通信工具和方法, 立法机关与县委的关系, 以及地方政府的地位, 特别是在交通和旅游相关的问题上.  此外,成员们询问了具体的立法,如 sb369销售税公平法案 and bills dealing with building design/aesthetics and historic preservation tax credits.

在每个会场,成员的参与和参与都是非常积极的. 365足彩下载的工作人员很高兴能见到他们所在地区的成员,并听取他们的想法. Listening Tour stops next week include Greensboro, Mooresville, Monroe and Pinehurst.  If you are interested in participating in one of the remaining events, please visit 在这里. 来加入我们的谈话吧! 联系人: 薇琪·米勒

本周,恢复州历史性税收抵免的努力仍在继续, with the League issuing an 行动警报 urging members to contact Senators to support the measure and Gov. Pat McCrory and Cultural Resources Secretary Susan Kluttz continuing their tour to advocate for the legislation's passage.

365足彩下载发出了 行动警报 to make clear that League staff believes that the issue will remain in play throughout the course of the legislative session, 即使参议院不开会 HB 152新的历史保护税收抵免. 该法案在众议院以压倒性多数通过, 但现在却停在了参议院筹款委员会, 被认为是众议院立法的坟墓. 无论众议院法案的命运如何(它可以被重新提交给另一个委员会), 税收抵免提案可能成为参众两院预算讨论的一部分, 就像去年一样.

Governor McCrory and Secretary Kluttz made stops in New Bern and Goldsboro this week, with Secretary Kluttz making additional stops in Warrenton and Louisburg as part of an ongoing tour to bring public attention to the need for the tax credit and its positive effects on economic development. League Immediate Past President and Goldsboro Mayor Al King hosted and introduced the Governor and Secretary at a news conference in downtown Goldsboro. 阅读该事件的报道 在这里.

The League and several other groups are a part of a coalition supporting these efforts, 并参与安排了一些巡回演出. 作为努力的一部分, 这个专栏 from League 1st Vice President Lestine Hutchens spells out the critical need for this economic development tool in towns like Elkin, 哪里的传统制造业工作岗位已经转移到了海外. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

After previewing his intent to file a political sign rules bill when speaking with the 365足彩下载董事会 last month, 代表. 比尔布劳利 提起 HB 613澄清《365足彩下载》当局 昨天. 该法案将允许城市和乡镇执行N的政治标志规则.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) on NCDOT roads within the corporate limits of a municipality. This bill partly addresses previous concerns of the League membership in situations w在这里 both local and state political sign rules exist. 但是,与 上届会议提出的一项措施, this bill would not allow a municipality to enforce its own local rules on NCDOT roads within its corporate limits. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

A local bill 提起 that would change the governing relationship between the City of Fayetteville and its city-owned utility, 费耶特维尔公共工程委员会, is getting more scrutiny because of a provision that would affect voluntary annexation. 的规定 HB 392费耶特维尔宪章/普华永道变化 would prevent the city from requiring voluntary annexation as a condition of extending water and sewer service to areas outside its corporate limits.

The legislation is the result of a dispute between city officials and the members of the city-owned utilities' board over governance and budget issues, 但双方都没有要求实施与吞并有关的条款. 前市长托尼·查翁写道 这种尖锐的批评 在上周日的《365体育足彩》上报道了该提议. The League sees the provision as a threat to orderly growth that would unfairly burden municipal taxpayers who, 正如前市长查翁指出的那样, 他们是城市公用事业的最终所有者吗. 阅读更多关于该条款的内容,包括国际365足彩下载对此的评论, 在这里.

The state Department of Commerce last week announced three film and TV production grants that will take all of the $10 million that legislators set aside for the incentives program. 这三项大奖分别授予了CBS的电视剧《365体育足彩》(Under The Dome)和两部电影. 去年, legislators ended a tax credit program to lure TV and film productions to the state and instead created the grant program. State Commerce officials said the three projects receiving the money would bring the biggest benefits to the state among those that were considered. 阅读有关助学金的媒体报道 在这里.