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League Bulletin

January 12, 2018

你的每周政府公报和倡导新闻为北卡罗莱纳州的城市和城镇已经到达, and here's what you'll find this week: the General Assembly returns for a brief session; a legislative committee discusses local economic tiers;  the Census Bureau schedules workshops of interest to local governments​; congressional districts get another shakeup; a Jacksonville city leader joins a national committee; ​​and our podcast checks out the "sharing economy.但首先,我要快速解释一下为什么本周的B公报看起来如此不同. Read on for more. 

欢迎来到365足彩下载每周政府和倡导新闻公报的新面貌和新感觉——365足彩下载公报, as we're calling it from here on out. But more important is why: it coincides with a totally revamped League website, launched this week at, rebuilt from the ground up for a entirely new, better user experience. We're excited for you to explore the new, where you can find back issues of the weekly Bulletin along with a rich but clear array of other League content, services, event listings, opportunities and more with a friendly, easy-to-navigate design and flow. 随着我们不断调整和改进我们的用户体验,您可能会期望对本通讯进行额外的调整和更改, 但是持续的核心关注新闻和更新重要的城市和城镇,你期望每周. Contact: Ben Brown

大会全体成员本周返回罗利,再次举行短暂会议, 虽然在写这篇文章的时候,对城市和城镇没有什么直接意义的议程. However, the City of Burlington and its leaders received recognition 在参众两院庆祝该市建城125周年,并由 Sen. Rick Gunn​ and Rep. Stephen Ross, who represent the city in the General Assembly. Burlington Mayor Ian Baltutis, City Manager Hardin Watkins, 办案人员蕾妮·沃德和公共信息官员雷切尔·凯利在大厅的旁听席上接受了这一荣誉. 

As for regular business, 议员之间最引人注目的对话集中在司法重新划分选区和水污染等话题上, 后者源于影响该州东南部社区的GenX争议. 共和党议员一直在探索改变法官的任职方式, though the legislative chambers reportedly have differing ideas ​to that end. Meanwhile, media outlets in Wilmington are reporting other differences​ 两院之间就一项提案进行了讨论,该提案旨在为设备和人员提供资金,以解决新出现的水污染物. These and other talks played out in various legislative committees, where the substantial​ bill vetting and shaping takes place, including the Joint Legislative Economic Development and Global Engagement, or EDGE, Committee, 该委员会周四开始重新审视该州的地方经济层级体系. (More below.)  

Legislators are putting the state’s economic development 在启动了一系列临时会议之后,分级制度再次被置于显微镜下 on Thursday with a discussion of how to measure economic distress. In a series of presentations to the Joint Legislative Economic Development and Global Engagement Oversight Committee (EDGE), non-partisan 立法工作人员提供了分析的优点和缺点 current tier system. At the conclusion, committee co-chair Sen. Harry Brown strongly indicated his desire 要求EDGE委员会提议对该系统进行改革,并表示很多人已经提出了改革建议 changed in North Carolina since the system went into place 30 years ago. In those remarks, Senator Brown acknowledged the difficulties in changing a long-entrenched formula. 

In their analysis of the 目前衡量经济困境的公式,工作人员首先鼓励 legislators to formulate a clear policy goal for how to use the formula. Then, the staffers said, legislators could choose the best indicators of economic distress for use in achieving the policy goals. Currently, more than a dozen state programs utilize the tier system rankings as a proxy for economic distress, including grant funding programs designed to alleviate that distress. Of 对于城市的重要性,工作人员的介绍打破了目前的分级系统 formula into measures of the economic distress of residents -- such as median household income and the unemployment rate -- versus measures of a local government’s capacity to respond to distress by itself, such as its property valuation and tax capacity. As they examine the issue, legislators will likely 看看改变公式给地方政府税收的权重 capacity. 

The League's membership supports a revision of the tier system to focus the measurements more closely on the causes of economic distress. View and listen to the staff presentation on this topic on the EDGE Committee’s website. The site also contains other materials and information received by the EDGE 委员会于周四,包括工作人员在内的所有州级经济分析 incentive awards made since 2013. The EDGE Committee will continue to meet 在5月份的联合国大会短暂会议之前,每月举行一次会议,以及委员会 may recommend legislation for the chambers to consider during that session. Contact: Erin Wynia
With the 2018 candidate filing period just ahead, 联邦法官本周告诉大会,2016年通过的国会选区 are unconstitutional and need to be redrawn​. The three-judge panel gave lawmakers until Jan. 29 to revise the 13-district map, 认为目前的布局是违宪的,是为党派利益而创造的, 立法机关在2016年的一次特别会议上通过了这些地区后,哪些地区成为了诉讼的主题. 这给2018年北卡罗来纳州的选举周期带来了新的问题和更多的不确定性,而一个月后候选人将申请竞选," writes the News & Observer. The Associated Press reports​ 法院还可以任命一名特别的大师独立绘制新地图. The 2018 candidate filing period is scheduled to start on Feb. 12. ​According to media outlets, 该州的共和党领导人将反对这一裁决,并寻求推迟最后期限.

It's a new year for Municipal Equation, the League's podcast about cities and towns adapting in the face of change. And our first episode of 2018 begins with a question straight from New Year's Eve, after your midnight champagne -- did you take an Uber or a Lyft home? Did you wonder, on your way back, what that ride meant for city policy? Probably not as such, sure, 但你可能听说过或参与过关于城市规范共享经济要素的讨论, like ridesharing (Uber; Lyft) or homesharing (Airbnb; VRBO). That's just one corner of the conversation, though. 共享经济规模庞大,正在改变或颠覆市场的许多部分,城市及其政府不可能不考虑其后果. On this episode, 我们与全国城市365足彩下载的布鲁克斯·瑞恩沃特进行了对话,探讨了城市政府对共享经济的看法,以及他们正在采取的行动, and even leverage it. 《365足彩下载》每隔一周发布一次,可以在网站上免费订阅 iTunes, Google Play, or any podcast-listening app. If you've enjoyed the podcast, 请考虑在iTunes上留下友好的书面评论,或者直接点击五星评级. Visit for past episodes. Contact: Ben Brown​

下个月,人口普查局将在北卡罗来纳州的三个地点举行边界和吞并调查研讨会:威尔明顿, Feb. 12; Durham, Feb. 13; and Charlotte, Feb. 14. 研讨会将概述2020年人口普查地理伙伴关系计划, the 2018 BAS, 以及为完成BAS创建数字和纸质响应的演示. To register please RSVP by emailing your name, phone number, workshop location and BAS participation method type to ​with a generic subject of: RSVP to [Insert City, State] BAS Workshop, by Feb 5.

Jacksonville City Council Member Angelia J. Washington has joined the National League of Cities' Council for Race, Equity and Leadership, according to a press release from the city. The appointment was made at NLC's CitySummit this past November, 此前,她曾在该组织的人类发展委员会任职, most recently as vice-chair. 这项新任命“使我能够与美国各地的市政领导人合作,争取国会的支持,将第13修正案确立为全国性假日。," Council Member Washington said, that amendment having abolished slavery. “倡导我国公民进一步支持疾病控制和预防中心采取行动,解决非洲裔美国年轻男性的暴力问题, improving educational outcomes for disadvantage students, and ending homelessness for civilians, veterans, and immigrants."
